Ottawa Journal for the Week of January 01 – January 05, 2021
DAVID TILSON, MP for Dufferin-Caledon
New Year’s Resolutions
It’s that time of year where we reflect upon our accomplishments of the past year and more importantly, resolve to make changes for the coming year. Many of us set several goals for ourselves to achieve, while others focus on a single goal that we feel we can realistically achieve. No matter how many resolutions we set for ourselves, the tradition of New Year’s resolutions provides us with an opportunity to make positive changes in our lives and inspires optimism for the year ahead.
When researching this topic, I discovered some of the most popular or common New Year’s resolutions. They include:
• Spending more time with family and friends.
• Fitting in more time for exercise and fitness.
• Losing weight.
• Quitting smoking.
• Enjoying life more.
• Overcoming debt.
• Learning something new.
• Helping others and volunteering.
• Being more organized.
Experts agree that no matter how stubborn a habit you may have developed over the course of a year, there are ways to break those negative patterns and maintain your resolutions throughout the new year. The trick is keeping everything in perspective.
One of the ways to keep your resolutions is to set realistic and attainable goals with measurable results. If you separate your resolution into smaller pieces and work slowly towards accomplishing each piece, it will make the goal more manageable and ultimately, achievable.
Another suggestion from experts is to start working on your goals immediately. If you don’t act early, you are more apt to lose your motivation and to ultimately toss your goal aside. Acting early keeps you motivated and your goal attainable.
View setbacks as lessons for growth. Mistakes happen and can be used as lessons for learning. If you experience a setback, it is suggested by experts that you ask yourself what kept you from achieving the goal and then try to make corrections so it doesn’t happen again.
Another suggestion made by experts is to make resolutions that have meaning. Your goal should be something you really want to change or achieve and not something that society or your family tells you, you should do. If your own personal motivation isn’t there, you won’t want to follow through on the goal and ultimately, won’t be successful.
Whatever resolutions or goals you may set for yourself, I hope this little bit of advice from experts, may help you keep them in perspective and assist you in achieving success for 2007!