Bowl for Kids Sake Turns 30 – Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Dufferin & District Celebrate Milestone
February 09, 2021

Ottawa Journal (February 09 – February 13, 2021)
David Tilson, M.P.

    Big Brothers Big Sisters has become widely known across Canada for creating lasting friendships between children and positive role models. Here at home, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Dufferin & District has provided these friendships to youth since 1972 and has been able to do this through wonderful fundraising initiatives, such as the Bowl for Kids Sake event. This year, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Dufferin & District is celebrating its 30th anniversary of Bowl for Kids Sake. The anniversary is an excellent opportunity to recognize this organization’s immense contributions to our community and the significant role they play in the lives of our children.

    The first local Big Brothers Agency was started in 1972 by Bill Bissell and the late Bill Parke. I was pleased to be involved in the early years of the organization as a founding Director on the Board of Directors of the Big Brothers Association. Later in 1977, the local Big Sisters Agency began with two merging in 1996. Both agencies started out by matching Big Brothers with Little Brothers and Big Sisters with Little Sisters, but have grown substantially to include various programs, which now include their Big Bunch program and In-School Mentoring program. During its long history in our community, Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Dufferin and District has come to serve approximately 200 children each year.

    The Bowl For Kids Sake event allows the organization to serve these children through proceeds which fund approximately one-third of their operating costs. Since the event first began 30 years ago, hundreds of thousands of dollars have been raised because of the hard work, dedication, and commitment demonstrated by the organization, its volunteers, participants, and sponsors.

    This year’s event will prove to be very exciting and special. On Thursday, February 19th and Sunday, February 22nd, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Dufferin and District will have seven fun-filled events taking place at Kingpin Bowl, in Orangeville. If you participate, you have a chance to win great prizes and enjoy some terrific events with your friends, family, or colleagues. All proceeds will go directly to funding the organization’s mentoring programs.
    The goal for this year’s event is to raise $40,000; however, in order to reach this goal, your help is needed! There are several ways you can do this which include: entering a bowling team of four to six people; becoming a sponsor; donating a prize; or displaying a Bowl for Kids Sake poster in your workplace. In order to get started, you can call 519-941-6431 for more information and forms.

    There are also many other Bowl for Kids Sake events taking place across Canada this month. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peel in conjunction with Tim Hortons will be hosting a Caledon event at Skyview Lanes, in Bolton, on Monday, March 2nd. For more information on this event, please feel free to visit their website at

    I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely congratulate Big Brothers Big Sisters of Dufferin and District on the 30th anniversary of Bowl for Kids Sake and for the outstanding work this organization has done and continues to do for children in Dufferin County and to the many mentors who’ve participated in the various programs over the years. I wish this event, as well as the many others going on over the course of next month great success!