Tilson Recognizes Orangeville Lions Club on their 70th Anniversary

April 11, 2021

OTTAWA, ON – This afternoon Dufferin-Caledon MP David Tilson rose in the House of Commons to congratulate the Orangeville Lions Club on their 70th anniversary of serving Orangeville’s residents. Mr. Tilson said:

“Madam Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to the Orangeville Lions Club as it celebrates its 70th anniversary on April 27. Its history of service to our community is exemplary and its accomplishments are numerous.

    Over the years, it has worked with many other groups in Orangeville and coordinated many activities. Some examples include the Canadian Cancer Society's Relay for Life, The Salvation Army's Christmas kettle campaign, the Orangeville Food Bank, Habitat for Humanity, the Boy Scouts, Choices Youth Shelter, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Headwaters Healthcare Centre, Lions Sports Park, the Santa Claus Parade, the Northmen Lacrosse club, the Wolves hockey team, the Orangeville's legion and Community Living Dufferin and so many more.

    The Lions Club has been an integral part of Orangeville life for 70 years and its future looks just as bright. Therefore, it is my great honour to congratulate the Orangeville Lions Club on 70 wonderful years. We know the next 70 years will be just as great.”