M.P. David Tilson Hosts Successful Senior Citizen Expo in Orangeville
Photo from left to right: Gerry Hogenhout, David Tilson MP, Barbara Goldsmith, Angela Yenssen, Sanjay Gandhi & Stephen Elliott
Orangeville, ON – On November 4, 2011, David Tilson, Member of Parliament for Dufferin – Caledon and the Orangeville & District Seniors Center together hosted another successful Information Expo.
Tilson invited special guest speakers who delivered informative and important information. Close to 100 seniors turned out to hear the following presentations;
- Safe Meds for Seniors - Presented by Sanjay Gandhi, Pharmacist, Rolling Hills Pharmacy.
- Understanding Arthritis – Presented by Barbara Goldsmith, Community Engagement Specialist, The Arthritis Society.
- Financial Planning for Seniors - Presented by Gerry Hogenhout, CGA, CFP, AMP – Hogenhout & Associates Inc.
- Plan Today – Stay Safe Tomorrow - Presented by Angela Yenssen, Seniors at Risk Coordinator – Dufferin County. Trellis Mental Health and Developmental Services.
Rogers local television was also present to capture the event for those who could not attend the expo. Today’s expo is expected to air later this year.
“This expo has become an important annual event for this community,” stated David Tilson. “As the Member of Parliament I am pleased to provide my constituents with this forum. As a result of the excellent speakers this year proved to be as informative and enjoyable as ever.”
Following the information and question segment of the expo – lunch was provided by Egan’s Funeral Home - both attendees and presenters were treated to a tasty lunch and a chance to socialize with fellow citizens.