David Tilson M.P. hosts annual seniors information expo in caledon east

November 25, 2021

(from left to right): Alex Rodrigues (President, Caledon Seniors' Council); Harvey Rutter (Vice-President, Caledon Seniors' Council); Kathleen Jackson (Canada Revenue Agency); Dr. Danielle Sinclair (Health First Wellness Centre); David Tilson, M.P. (Dufferin-Caledon); and Lonny Kates (Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada). Absent from the photo: Bill Pollock.

David Tilson, Member of Parliament for Dufferin-Caledon, hosted his annual Seniors Information Expo with the Caledon Seniors’ Council, on Friday, November 25th, at St. James Anglican Church, in Caledon East.

Members of the Seniors’ Council, as well as many local residents joined Mr. Tilson in observing and participating in presentations on several topics of interest to local seniors including: the licence renewal process for senior citizens 80 years of age and older; nutrition and wellness; identity theft; as well as income tax matters. Special guest speakers included representatives from Jetala Limited, Health First Wellness Centre, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, and the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

Mr. Tilson acted as the emcee for the Expo and later commented, “Today’s Expo covered a variety of topics important to our local senior community. It is my hope that everyone here today was able to take away something helpful from the presentations and the extensive knowledge shared by each of the outstanding speakers.”