
Thank you for visiting my web site. I hope that you find all of the information that you are looking for.

As a long time resident of Dufferin-Peel-Wellington-Grey, I am proud to represent such a beautiful and diverse riding. With its beautiful country roads and thriving municipalities, Dufferin-Peel-Wellington-Grey is a wonderful place to live and do business. Throughout this web site you will be able to connect to various valuable sites within the communities I represent.

I am very honoured to be your Member of Provincial Parliament working to help make our province strong for all residents to enjoy. My web site will find help you to find information on what the Mike Harris government has accomplished and are working towards at Queen's Park.

I look forward to hearing from you to help make this web site work for you. Please feel free to provide comments on the web site.

David Tilson, Q.C., M.P.P.



David Tilson, M.P.P. - Dufferin - Peel - Wellington - Grey
Community Office
244 Broadway, Orangeville, ON L9W 1K5
Phone: (519) 941-7751   Toll Free: 1-800-265-1603   Fax: (519) 941-3246