Here for Seniors

August 05, 2021
Ottawa Journal (August 08 – August 12, 2021)
David Tilson, M.P.

Canada’s seniors helped build our great country. They’ve spent their lives supporting our families and our communities. They deserve a dignified, financially secure retirement. Our Government is proud to support them. Indeed, we have worked to stand up for Canada’s seniors throughout our time in office.

On May 2nd, Canadians gave us a strong mandate to continue our support for seniors. To deliver on our commitments, the Next Phase of Canada’s Economic Action Plan includes a top-up to the Guaranteed Income Supplement, a measure which will enhance the well-being of more than 680,000 seniors across Canada. In particular, it will benefit seniors without pensions. Too many people, after working hard all their lives and supporting their families, now struggle to pay their bills each month. This top-up will help make ends meet. 

The GIS is an essential means to improve the financial security of many Canadian seniors, so the new top-up payments build on our earlier steps to increase support for seniors.

Indeed, assistance for seniors has been a priority for our Government since we were first elected. As part of our low-tax plan, we reduced the tax burden on seniors.  This includes increasing the Age Credit amount twice, in 2006 and 2009. We doubled the amount eligible for the Pension Income Credit and introduced pension income splitting.  These measures help seniors keep their money, earned from years of hard work, in their own pockets.

In addition to improving their financial security, our Government has worked to improve the lives of Canada’s seniors through other programs. In the first phase of Canada’s Economic Action Plan, we invested $400 million in the construction and renovation of housing for low-income seniors. This program improves seniors’ quality of life by making affordable rental housing available. The new housing is also energy efficient, contributing to Canada’s environmental goals.

We also recognize that many seniors want to continue contributing to our communities. Our families and communities will be stronger if we make sure these opportunities are available. This is why the Next Phase of Canada’s Economic Action Plan enhances the New Horizons for Seniors Program. New Horizons funds important programs to help seniors stay active, putting their decades of experience to use as mentors and volunteers. 

New Horizons also funds projects to combat elder abuse. The Next Phase of Canada’s Economic Action Plan enhances funding by $10 million over two years, to support a larger number of projects.

Our Government is proud of our record of standing up for Canada’s seniors.  We’re proud to deliver on our mandate to support their financial security and quality of life. We’ll also continue working to assist those who have helped build our country.