MPP JOURNAL for the week of May 28, 2021


Summer jobs for students in Ontario

As school comes to a close, students look towards the job market to offer experience, opportunity and especially money. The Government of Ontario is committed to helping students find summer employment. Our government offers many initiatives for both employers and employees to join together in summer student hiring.

Our government has put in place Youth Opportunities Ontario to help match students to employers offering summer work. The Summer Experience Program offers numerous positions across Ontario, which are made available by government ministries and agencies. Positions range from Agriculture to the Environment and Finance to Science and Technology. For a complete listing of jobs, please visit my community office at 244 Broadway in Orangeville or visit my web site at

Young Entrepreneurs is also available for those individuals who wish to be their own boss. Young Entrepreneurs encourages entrepreneurship by Ontario's students and young adults. It includes two programs to help get your business off the ground. Summer Company provides up to $3000 to help students 15-29 start up and run their own summer business. My Company provides business training and low interest loans up to $15,000 to help young people 18-29 create their own business.

By giving students an opportunity to work during the summer months, they gain valuable knowledge and experience, which will help them in the future when their educational career is finished. By gaining experience, the transition from school to employment is not so difficult as employers are more willing to offer students positions when they have experience under their belt.

To help encourage employers to give students this opportunity, the government offers an incentive. Summer Jobs Service is a program where employers can be subsidized $2 an hour in wages for their hired student. Application forms can be picked up at the Summer Jobs Service office at 1 Armstrong Street, Orangeville, or at my community office.

Community Youth Services and the Canada Employment Centre for Students are here to help students with resume writing and interview preparation. Offices are located in Orangeville, Shelburne, Grand Valley and Caledon. For exact addresses and phone numbers, please contact the Jobs Ontario Training Hotline at 1-800-387-5656 or contact my office at 1-800-265-1603.

If you require assistance with getting a job, I have prepared a pamphlet called, A Student Guide to Getting A Job, which is available at my community office to those looking for summer employment. It offers 3 steps to getting a job by preparing yourself for employment, identifying potential employers and convincing the employer to hire you.

At my constituency office self-help booklets, as well as information and application forms on government youth employment programs, are available. Also, visit the web at for more information on Government of Ontario employment strategy programs listed above.



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Community Office
244 Broadway, Orangeville, ON L9W 1K5
Phone: (519) 941-7751   Toll Free: 1-800-265-1603   Fax: (519) 941-3246