Federal electoral boundaries commission for ontario tables report in the house of commons
MP Tilson “Pleased that Dufferin-Caledon Boundaries Remain Unchanged”
OTTAWA, Ontario – The body responsible for readjusting electoral boundaries in Ontario reported to the House of Commons today after receiving 1,078 submissions and holding 31 public hearings in the province resulting in a substantial number of changes to the electoral map and the creation of 15 new electoral districts.
“Ridings all around us have changed. However the boundaries of Dufferin-Caledon remain unchanged`` said a delighted David Tilson, MP.
According to the report, at the public hearing in Barrie last fall, the Commission heard persuasive objections to its proposal to adjust population by crossing county lines, notably in assigning the Township of Mulmur and the north half of the township of Uxbridge to electoral districts beyond their county boundaries. There was one common thread of opinion: ...people are significantly more concerned about community of interest and historical attachment than correspondence with provincial quota.
“Clearly this process has worked as intended,” said Tilson. “The Commission made a recommendation, the residents provided a thoughtful and impressive objection and the Commission adjusted their report to reflect the status quo. It doesn`t get any better than this."