Veterans’ Week 2006: "Share the Story"
November 06, 2021

Week of November 06 – November 10, 2021

Remembrance Day is quickly approaching and it has become a Canadian tradition to mark the week leading up to November 11th as Veterans’ Week. Typically, a different theme is chosen each year for the Week and this year’s theme is "Share the Story." I would like to use this week’s journal to discuss this year’s theme and to recognize the importance of "sharing the story."

Veterans’ Week runs from November 5th to November 11th, 2006 and is a time to ensure that Canadians keep the memories and achievements of our Veterans alive for future generations. This year’s theme, "Share the Story," was chosen to encourage Canadians, especially Canadian youth, Veterans, and Canadian Forces members, to share their thoughts on remembrance, and to learn from each other. Veterans will tell their stories and in doing so, will remind us of Canada’s history as a defender of freedom and democracy. It is also hoped that Canadians will talk with Veterans and active Canadian Forces members about their service to Canada and learn how serving their country has changed their lives, and pass on what they have learned to their peers. It is through these stories that we realize the tremendous sacrifices that were made by so many, to allow us to have the many freedoms we enjoy today.

During Veterans’ Week 2006, a wide variety of activities and events will take place across the country and here in Dufferin-Caledon. The events will be an expression of thanks to all those who have served and those that who continue to serve our country in times of war, military conflict, and peace.
I encourage all Canadians, especially our youth, to become involved in Veterans’ Week by participating in and initiating commemorative events in our community. If you can’t participate in a local event, wear a poppy and say thank you to someone who has served or is currently serving our country, to show them your appreciation.

For more information on Veterans’ Week, please visit or contact my Bolton or Orangeville constituency offices.

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