Investing in Tomorrow’s Leaders in Research: Canada Graduate Scholarships
February 18, 2021
Canada has a long and proud history of outstanding leaders in research and innovation. These leaders have significantly changed the course of history, not only in Canada, but across the globe. It is a proud tradition and one that our Government continues to support through the Canada Graduate Scholarships. The Honourable Jim Flaherty, Minister of Finance, reaffirmed this commitment in December 2007, by announcing that these scholarships would be renamed to honour Canadian innovators and researchers. The Canada Graduate Scholarships are available to those enrolled in master’s and doctoral programs. There are three types of scholarships and all three will be named after renowned pioneers of Canadian technology, medicine, and entrepreneurship. Students in the natural sciences and engineering will now receive the Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarships; students enrolled in health sciences will now receive the Sir Frederick Banting and Dr. Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships; and award winners in the social sciences and humanities will now receive the J. Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships. Our Government has further demonstrated its commitment to research and innovation to Canada’s graduate students by delivering $62 million in new funding over three years for this particular group of students, through Budget 2007. This support enabled three federal funding agencies: the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) to name more than 600 additional award winners in 2007. The total number of scholarships awarded will stand at 5,000 by 2009. Our Government intends to maintain Canada’s reputation as a leader in research through these significant measures. Furthermore, our Government is firmly committed to strengthening Canada’s knowledge advantage. Budget 2007 supports Canadian students and researchers, as well as keeping them here at home. When we think of Bell, Bombardier, Banting, and Best, we think of excellence. By supporting our country’s graduate students through strengthening and supporting the Canada Graduate Scholarships, our Government is ensuring that Canada continues this legacy of research and innovation excellence, while contributing to our country’s future prosperity. |
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