Celebrating Our Government’s Second Anniversary
February 04, 2021
On January 23rd, our Government celebrated its second anniversary of being elected. Over the last two years, our Government has delivered real change for Canadians by focusing on clear priorities chosen by Canadians. These have been two busy years and we are proud to say the Government is more accountable, the economy’s fundamentals have been strengthened, and the country is more united. One of our Government’s promises was to reduce the tax burden felt by Canadians. Our Government has done this by providing close to $200 billion in tax relief, which includes cutting the G.S.T. from seven to five per cent. We also restored fiscal balance by providing the provinces and territories with over $39 billion in additional funding. The Taxpayers Bill of Rights will ensure that hard working Canadians are treated fairly when dealing with the Canada Revenue Agency. Our Government delivered on its promise to tackle crime and did so by passing the Tackling Violent Crime Act in the House of Commons, which will protect Canadians and their communities from violent crimes and predators. We also announced a National Anti-Drug Strategy that will provide $63.8 million over two years, to prevent illegal drug use by young people and to treat people with drug addictions, as well as to fight illegal drug crime. Canada has developed a strong voice on world affairs over the last two years. Our Government successfully mounted the biggest evacuation effort in Canada’s history in Lebanon shortly after taking office in the summer of 2006. Our Government also contributed $96 million to support the African Union peacekeeping mission in Darfur, as well as contributing $300 million for the Middle East peace process. Our Government has demonstrated strong leadership on health care by taking action on patient wait times. This was done through the Patient Wait Times Guarantee. The Prime Minister announced the Food and Consumer Safety Action Plan, which is a comprehensive set of proposed new measures that will make Canadians safer by legislating tougher Federal Government regulations of food, health, and consumer products. We have also demonstrated leadership by taking steps to have all parties in the House of Commons join in effort to ensure the resumption of the production of medical isotopes. Since forming Government in 2006, our Government has come to stand for freedom, democracy, human rights, and rule of law. We have shouldered our international responsibilities in Afghanistan by participating in a United Nations-mandated, North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO)-led mission to bring security to the Afghan people, while fighting the war on terror. Our Government has also been investing in our military over the last two years by overhauling frigates, purchasing new logistics trucks and associated equipment, as well as medium-to heavy-lift helicopters, aircraft, tanks and Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ships to protect our Arctic sovereignty. Democratic reform has also been a priority for our Government during the course of the last two years. It passed legislation establishing fixed election dates and has introduced legislation to: modernize the Senate to reduce the terms of Senators to eight years from a maximum of 45; improve the representation in the House of Commons for provinces with faster population growth, while protecting seat counts of slower growing provinces; and ending the undue influence of wealthy individuals in the political process by creating a modern, transparent, and accountable process for the reporting of loans made to political parties, candidates, and associations. It has been a busy and full two years for our Government, but our achievements speak for themselves. As a result of these achievements, our Government is more accountable, the country’s fundamentals have been strengthened, and the country is more united. In the words of our Prime Minister, “Canada is back!” |
![]() February 04, 2021
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