Remembrance Day Statement By The Prime Minister
November 08, 2021
OTTAWA – Last April I joined thousands of fellow Canadians in France for the commemoration of the 90th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge. There were hundreds of veterans and some 5,000 Canadian students, approximately 3,600 of whom represented our soldiers who fell at Vimy. It was deeply moving to watch the young inheritors of our hard-won freedoms take up the torch from their ancestors. Throughout our history, Canada has always been a resolute defender of our founding values; freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law. To this day, our brave men and women of the Canadian Forces are upholding this noble tradition at home and abroad. Their manifest courage, skill and professionalism, which they display every day during our mission in Afghanistan, are an inspiration to us all. On this solemn day, Canadians from coast to coast to coast gather to honour all those who have served and continue to valiantly serve our nation. We especially remember the more than 116,000 Canadians who made the ultimate sacrifice for Canada in two world wars, Korea, and peacekeeping and peacemaking missions ever since – and we promise to never forget. Not everyone can attend a Remembrance Day ceremony, or travel to one of the countless places across our country and around the world that speak to us of our proud military tradition. But no matter where we are, at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, we can pause and reflect on the price paid for the peace and prosperity we enjoy today. It is the one way we can all repay the enormous debt we owe those who fought and died for Canada, the veterans who are still with us, and those who continue to serve so heroically today. Lest we forget. |
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