Changes to Canadian Passports
January 28, 2021
Over the last year, there have been many changes to Canadian passport application procedures. The new passport application measures are part of a broader effort by our Government to modernize Canadian passport services and increase Passport Canada's capacity to better meet demand. I would like to use this week’s Journal to highlight some of the key changes that have been made, in hopes of clearing any confusion that you may have about renewing your passport On August 15, 2007, the Simplified Passport Renewal Process became available to Canadian citizens. The Simplified Passport Renewal Process allows adult Canadian passport holders who meet the eligibility criteria to renew their passports by using a shorter application form and without having to resubmit documents to support their application or provide guarantor information. This new process will yield benefits to both passport applicants and Passport Canada. Applicants will save time and will not have to surrender important documents such as their birth certificates or citizenship cards for an extended period of time. Passport Canada's productivity will increase, as fewer steps will be required for the entitlement and screening of each file. Renewal applications are still subject to all current security verifications. To be eligible to participate in this project, an applicant must:
A new guarantor policy was also introduced last year that will also make renewing your passport a much simpler process. Under the new guarantor policy, eligible guarantors must: 1) hold a five-year Canadian passport that is valid or has been expired for no more than one year on the day you submit your application; 2) have known you personally for at least two (2) years. In the case of a child, have known you (parent or legal guardian) personally for at least two (2) years and have knowledge of the child; 3) be a Canadian citizen 18 years of age or older and; 4) have been 16 years of age or older when he or she applied for his or her own passport. More information on the new guarantor policy, the Simplified Passport Renewal Process, as well as passport forms are all available through any of my offices. You can also visit Passport Canada’s website at www.passport.gc.ca. |
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June 02, 2021
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